Client: TU Kaiserslautern,
Category: Invitation Flyer, Poster, Exhibition Design
Year: 2020
Client: Hochschule der Bildenden Künste Saar (HBKsaar)
Category: Editorial Design, Animation
Year: 2019
Client: Hochschule der Bildenden Künste Saar
Category: Editorial Design, Animation
Year: 2019
»Kaiserslautern. Entwürfe für die Stadt«
6.–22.2.2020 10 years of Architekturgalerie in Kaiserslautern
Exhibition design and invitation flyer for »« to celebrate 10 years of the architecture gallery in Kaiserslautern. The exhibition shows students projects of alternative urban development and planning for the city of Kaiserslautern.
The whole city of Kaiserslautern itself is surrounded by a well-known nature reserve, the Pfälzerwald. So it was obvious to integrate it to the design process: the number 10 as monumental simple shapes in their corporate color orange, framed by the green forest.
The window installation for the show is based on the poster and flyer design.
The invitation flyer is not only an invitation for the exhibition. Unfolded to DIN A1 format it reveals the exhibition poster. Inspired by architectural plans or folding maps the flyer is printed on an ultra thin paper. Once the poster is attached to the wall, you can guess what happens behind the curtain. It shows the see-through pictures of the exhibition like standing in front of the display window of the gallery.
The flyer is also readable like a newspaper introducing the projects to the visitors.
2-colors offset print, in metallic green and orange.